ADX Digital offers a full suite of digital products, everything your business needs to reach your potential customers in the digital landscape. Check out a brief overview of them below and contact us for more info on how we can put our skills to work for you!


Social Mirror:

Social Mirror ads look like your social media display, video, or stories posts but appear outside of the social media platform, across other websites and apps. We can mirror ads from a total of 8 different social media platforms, and these ads run across all devices or can be done as OTT on Connected TVs. With this product, you can choose from a variety of our targeting strategies including Geo-Fencing, Retargeting, Behavioral Targeting, Artificial Intelligence, Keyword Targeting, and Custom Audience Matching and Lookalike Targeting of your database list. We can also track visits to your business based on who has seen your ad, a great way to measure ROI!

Mobile Conquesting: 

Mobile Conquesting allows the advertiser to reach people with display and video ads on their mobile devices when they are on-the-go. With this product, you also have a choice between a variety of targeting strategies including Behavioral, Geo-Fencing, Geo-Retargeting, Geo-Retargeting Lookalike, and Weather Triggers. One other strategy that is unique to this product only is targeting people on a list of physical household addresses with Address Targeting and Address Retargeting. We can also track visits to your business based on who has seen your ad, a great way to measure ROI!

OTT (Over-The-Top):

Our Over-The-Top (OTT) video ads are embedded into programming content people stream on their internet Connected TVs. All of our OTT inventory is 100% Connected TVs and we can layer on a variety of targeting strategies such as Behavioral Targeting, Artificial Intelligence, Retargeting and Custom Audience Matching and Lookalike Targeting of your database list. On-Site Visit Tracking to your business is also available.

Video Ads:

Video Pre-Roll ads play before the content someone has clicked to watch and Video Mid-Roll ads play during the content as a commercial break. Our video ad product appears on thousands of websites or apps, across all devices, and can be skippable or un-skippable depending on the publisher. Video Ads can be targeted using any combination of the following strategies – Retargeting, Behavioral Targeting, Artificial Intelligence,  Keyword Targeting and Custom Audience Matching and Lookalike Targeting of your database list. On-Site Visit Tracking to your business is also available.

Amazon Premium: 

Amazon Premium allows us to utilize Amazon targeting data to reach people with your display, video, or OTT ads on, Amazon owned properties and thousands of other websites and apps Amazon has partnered with, across all devices (display only on A targeting strategy unique to Amazon allows us to target people who have searched a particular product on Amazon in the past 30 days. Amazon is also unique within the auto vertical due to the large collection of auto data as a result of Amazon Garage.

Native Ads:

Native display and video ads go across all devices and match the look, feel and context of the website or app where they are served. These ads are created in real time using a collection of ad elements – logo, copy, images, title, call-to-action, etc. We can target Native Ads a couple different ways through Retargeting, Behavioral Targeting, Artificial Intelligence, Keyword Targeting, and Custom Audience Matching and Lookalike Targeting of your database list. On-Site Visit Tracking to your business is also available.

Facebook & Instagram:

Facebook & Instagram ads can be display or video and can serve in the News Feed, on Facebook Audience Network, Messenger, Stories, or Marketplace. Targeting options include Behavioral Targeting as well as Custom Audience Matching and Lookalike Targeting of your database list using any of the types of Facebook/Instagram ads.

Display Ads:

Display ads go across all devices, serving on websites or apps across desktop, tablet, and/or mobile. The targeting strategies include Retargeting, Behavioral Targeting, Artificial Intelligence,  Keyword Targeting and Custom Audience Matching and Lookalike Targeting of your database list. On-Site Visit Tracking to your business is also available.

Online Audio:

Audio ads served to targeted online listeners who are consuming music, news, and/or podcast content across all types of devices, including Smart Speakers. Online Audio can be targeted in a variety of ways such as through Behavioral Targeting, Artificial Intelligence and Custom Audience Matching and Lookalike Targeting of your database list. On-Site Visit Tracking to your business is also available.


LinkedIn allows you to get in front of the largest professional network to reach the people you want to target, in their News Feed and on the LinkedIn Audience Network. LinkedIn ads are cross-device and can be targeted using Behavioral Targeting or using Custom Audience Matching from your database list.

Live Chat:

Live Chat helps clients get more leads with a chat box on your website. We will manage everything for you, and simply send over a lead for you to connect directly with the prospect.


Geo-framing allows you to target an event that has already happened, going back in time where we have captured people’s mobile Device ID’s, mapping to their homes, and showing them display ads now. Geo-framing is usually limited in scale, so we also offer geo-fencing as a targeting strategy which allows you to target events in real-time as they happen.

SEO & Reputation Management:

SEO helps to improve a website by increasing the number of visitors the site receives from search engines.

Google Pay-Per-Click:

Google Pay-Per-Click are text ads that appear on the Google Search Engine Results Page when a user searches keywords related to your business.